Preparation before your Spray Tan

For the best results possible you should always prepare your skin before a Spray Tan.

Skin Care

Exfoliate and moisturise your skin everywhere as much as you can (including any tougher/ dryer areas) in the days before your spray tan (don’t do anything on the day of your tan). This will help give you a really even tan as it should help reduce any dry patches of skin (tanning solution will cling to dry skin leaving a rougher/ darker effect so we definitely want to try to avoid this by preparing the skin before! I do have barrier cream which I will use on certain tricky areas) The preparation really does make a big difference to get the perfect flawless tan.

It’s always worth also concentrating on hands, feet, and neck as these are easy to miss! Please avoid moisturising oils though as if these remain on your skin (even after washing) you will risk your tan not taking or even going streaky! I would really recommend an exfoliating mitt/ glove and a really simple shower wash so your skin is exfoliated evenly and not left with anything that could act as a barrier when we apply the tan.

Don’t shave for 24 hours before your spray tan. Ideally, remove any unwanted hair 48 hours before. Ideally don’t shower for at least a couple of hours before your spray tan- this allows your skin to be ready to absorb the tan properly.

It is ideal if you don’t wear any makeup/ moisturiser or perfume whilst having your tan (though I have face wash/makeup remover/ wipes so if you’re coming straight from being out somewhere then don’t worry- we will do our best to remove it). All of these things can act as a barrier. Certain moisturisers and all oils on your body can affect how well the tan takes so ideally shower several hours before your tan with a very basic shower wash and then don’t add anything to your skin. 

What to Wear

Bring dark loose clothing and flip flops to wear afterwards. The looser the better - if you can avoid straps and waistbands then I would highly recommend it! Tight clothing can cause your tan to rub. You will need to be careful to avoid skin to skin contact so I would always recommend loose long sleeves and loose long trousers as your post Spray Tan uniform!

It’s totally up to you what you wear/ don’t wear for your tan (just think of what tan lines you will have) 

Anything is fine by me- trust me when I say I have seen it all! But make sure anything you do wear is ok to get tan stains on. (I have disposable pants if you want them)

On the day

If you wear contact lenses then do try to take them out before. If you can avoid wearing anything before your appointment which leaves marks on your skin such as tight bras or socks then that is ideal

It will be really important not to get wet before it is time to wash off your tan. This means you shouldn’t schedule any housework or workouts in the time before washing off the tan solution (one of my personal favourite parts of getting a spray tan!) This is normally anywhere between 2 and 10 hours depending on which Tan option you choose.

You will also need to be careful not to transfer tan from parts of your body onto your hands.

Aftercare for your Spray Tan

Washing off your Sienna X Tan Solution

It’s really important not to get wet before the time that we have noted to wash off your tan. This includes sweating so have a really easy/ relaxed time if possible 💕 also make sure you avoid any transfer by not letting skin touch skin- be careful of getting transfer onto your hands as they will absorb it more than other areas and can lead to dark patches on your palms.

When the time comes you will want the shower as cool as possible. Let the water run over you and then use your shower gel (a very simple one and definitely not any Dove products!) all over. This will ensure that you remove all the solution so it doesn’t keep developing- which could lead to darker patches if you miss any bits)

Once the water runs clear you will just need to pat yourself dry with a towel (no scrubbing!)

Enjoying your Spray Tan

Try to avoid any exfoliating until your tan actually starts to fade. Just keep moisturising. Once it does start to fade then exfoliating will help remove it for you. I also stock Sienna X tan remover for you to purchase if you wish.

Do remember you will still need to use a sun protector. A cream or lotion will be fine ( look for alcohol-free) but be sure to avoid oils as these could break down your tan.

I hope you love it and feel as amazing as you are!!